Shop Online PEDRAZA OPTICAL delivery contact lenses according to the figures supplied by the buyer. We assume that the buyer visiting annually, or preferably every six months, to a specialist, either optometrist or ophthalmologist.
Making an order, the buyer confirms this assumption. Guarantee the quality and effectiveness of the products delivered, EC indicated in the manufacturer's information. Products supplied by PEDRAZA Shop online OPTICA are packaged in the original manufacturer's packaging. The buyer agrees to read the instructions carefully and use conditions preliminary to the use of the products. In case of confusion, the buyer agrees to contact the manufacturer before using the products.
We are not responsible for any technical failures in packaged products or for any errors in the general conditions of the manufacturer. In no time we take responsibility for tolerance to the products and their possible consequences for the eye. Nor liability if the defect is due to negligence of use, degradation or intentionally negligent application instructions and conditions of the manufacturer.